Automatic image capture and recognition machine

Automatic image capture and recognition machine
Automatic image capture and recognition machine-1
Automatic image capture and recognition machine-2
Detailed specifications
Equipment Specifications :
Appearance size of equipment 1200(L)×1200(W)×2100(H)(mm)
Equipment accuracy ±0.03mm
Movement stroke X 200mm , Y 300mm ,  Z 100mm
Movement speed X 300mm/s , Y 300mm/s ,  Z 100mm/s
LD travel stroke X 450mm , Y 200mm ,  Z 300mm
LD moving speed X 300mm/s , Y 300mm/s ,  Z 100mm/s
Camera movement speed Depends on product
CCD device Change according to customer needs
Power supply Simplex 220V , Air pressure 5Kg/cm2

Device function :
1. Modular LD/UNLD, automatic action, reduce labor costs
2. Picture and image comparison, automatic identification of abnormal products
3. Automatic image capture, save product image data

Product Inquiry